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Kwenda Lima

Kwenda Lima


Kwenda Lima


He believes that this dance involves much more than just the body. It involves feelings, behavior, emotions, the soul and the contact with the people. Although it is known that KIZOMBA reactivates the willpower, the desire, the libido, the great objective of this new valuable proposal is to help to create a stronger and complete person, capable of not falling into the classic mistake of the beginner in KIZOMBA: confuse the compatibility and the way you have fun dancing with a certain partner, with infatuation.

So, KWENDA LIMA creates his own way of interpreting KIZOMBA which he called ”Bodhi Kizomba. Get Inspired”… which is learning to dance KIZOMBA without losing the axis of certainty of knowing exactly what you want and who you are, encouraging new feelings of joy and pleasure.
